jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

Complete idleness

The storm had been so rough (completely mute though) that the water thas rocking back and forth.
Goodbye to any hopes of having a snorkelling/ kayaking trip today.
Around midday I went for a walk and found many kids. First, there were two little girls pumping water into big buckets. Immediately after there were 7 of them that came running towards me and rushing to hold my hand.
They walked with me. Some of them would say the usual 'Hello, how are you?/ Fine and you?/ Thank youuu!' others would say 'Mone/ Money!'. (Aparently 'thank you' is a must-know in Malawi)
I asked their names and ages. A stout little fellow didn't answer the latter question, so I said: '3, 4, 5?'
And he started counting. We got up to a hundred about 7 times and in 3 out of 7 times we skipped the thirties (who likes them anyway!). It took us a long time and kids around the village would join us. Grown-ups would have either a sympathetic or a rather concerned expression. Had chicken with nsima at Tom's local food restaurant.
Bought some small water bottles (there are no large ones) and went back to see the sunset.
After that, we thoroughly cleaned our pen-knives, watched Die Welle and ate delicious food at Gecko Lounge.
In the middle of the night, there was a power cut and the air our room became rather dense.
I laid on my back and marvelled at the beautiful round moon with a huge clear circlet around it.
Beautiful night.

1 comentario:

  1. muy bueno como pinta todo el viaje lari. me mato lo de los nenitos, una conocida mia tmb fue a malasia y tmb lo unico que decian era money moneyy money jajaj. die welle buena peli! besoss nos vemoss
